Saturday, May 31, 2008

Blooma Blossom: Baby Bridget

NEW CLASS: Take It Easy yoga

If you're looking for a class at Blooma that's more restorative in nature...
If you're new to yoga...
If you're newly postnatal (or just having a "postnatal" day!)...

Take It Easy yoga on Sunday mornings is the class for you! Enjoy a slow-but-steady moving, easy-going, laid-back hour on the mat as you soothe your stress while lightly energizing your body. We’ll concentrate on breath, add in a little bit of low-key strength-building work, and enjoy some feel-good stretching. You’ll leave feeling at ease in your body, at peace in the world, and delightfully relaxed. This is a class that is truly welcoming of everyone! Drop ins are welcome, or you can use your class pass. Bridgett Erickson teaches the class on Sunday mornings, 11:15am-12:15pm. See you there!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Blooma Blossom: Baby Evan

May 30, 2008, 7:35 pm
7 pounds, 0 ounces
21 inches long
more blossoms

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Sweet Words for Blooma

One of our sweet Blooma mamas-to-be shared these very kind words about her experience at the studio...

This is my first pregnancy and I have been attending Blooma prenatal yoga classes since being 12 weeks pregnant. I leave Blooma after class feeling relaxed, stress-free, loose, limber and truly like a Princess! Sarah has created an environment for women to feel comfortable and welcome. She has also created a place where I can go to feel happy in my pregnancy. Pregnancy can be difficult, but at Blooma you feel like you are wearing a crown when you set foot in the door. During class she aids you in connecting with your baby, and just breathing calm into your life! It's also wonderful to chat with other Moms-to-be and Moms who have experience, and ask advice or just commiserate when needed. Being pregnant, it has been an escape to stop by Blooma. Sarah is an amazing, warm and savvy person who has found a necessary place for pregnant women, and I am sure Moms (I'll have to let you know!). Thank you Sarah! I cannot imagine being pregnant without Blooma.--Katherine McMillan

Monday, May 26, 2008

Blooma Blossom: Baby Luke

Baby Luke

May 26, 2008
9 pounds, 4 ounces
21 inches

Mama says: "Born at home as a VBAC!"

Blooma Blossom: Baby Quinn

May 26, 5:26 am
6 pounds, 15 ounces
20.5 inches long

Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Strib's Cribsheet

'Strib Cribsheet blogger Kay Khrin recently had nice things to say about Blooma (thanks!!), and so did the moms who chimed in with their comments. If you haven't checked out the Cribsheet blog, do -- lots of great ideas there, even when they're not talking about Blooma ;-)

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Save the Date: Yogi Date Night is July 17!

Breathe, move, and connect!
Have a Yogi Date Night!

Thursday, July 17, 2008
Yoga from 8pm-9pm ... wine and treats to follow!
$30 per couple

Partner Yoga is for everyone (friends, yoga buddies, loved ones - partner, sibling, parent, child).
Practice this unique and uplifting form of yoga where you and your partner work together to build postures.
*No experience is necessary.

Partner Yoga is a creative sequence of mutually beneficial partner stretches fully integrating both people into each movement to connect body, mind, and spirit. It emphasizes trust, compassion, and joy in your relationship while exploring strength, flexibility, and balance in your physical practice. We will also learn some Thai Yoga Stretches that you can use at home.

This workshop presents a FUN challenge and creates strong connections.
See you on the mat!
Jessie Rosenberg

TM@B: This Month at Blooma, June 2008

Workshops & events for June 2008

* HypnoBirthing Thursdays: 4-week birth education series
June 5, 12, 19, 26 7-9pm, $350
with Sarah Tracy

* Enlightened Mama childbirth education
Saturday & Sunday, June 7 & 8
12:30-6:30pm, $175
with Liz Abbene

* Family Yoga
Saturday, June 14
3-4pm, $30
with Jessica Rosenberg

* Prenatal Yoga Intensive for Couples
Sunday, June 15
12:30-3pm, $75
with Sarah Longacre

* Birthing from Within
Saturdays: 2-part birthy education course
June 21 & 28
12:30-6:30, $200
with Autumn Cunningham and Angela Callais

* You Oughta Be in Pictures
photo sessions for expectant mothers & tots under 1 year
Sunday, June 22
1-4pm, $125
with Tanya Villano

* Prenatal Yoga Series for Couples
Saturdays: 4-week birth preparation
June 22 & 29 and July 13 & 20
12:30-2:30pm, $140
with Sarah Longacre

Monday, May 19, 2008

Blooma Blossom: Baby Hazel

Baby Hazel
May 19, 9:55pm
5 pounds, 12 ounces
20 inches

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Special Screening: The Business of Being Born

Thursday, May 29, go to the movies ... at Blooma!

Last November, women and their families packed the Oak Street Theater in Dinkytown to watch Ricki Lake's documentary about birth. This month, we are thrilled to offer a special follow-up screening of "The Business of Being Born." Join us at 7pm, Thursday, May 29, to watch the flick among friends in Blooma's cozy studio. We'll provide light refreshments and some comfy pillows, yoga mats, birthing balls--and even some chairs! :-) Suggested donation: $5.

A word about the documentary, from the filmmakers:

"Birth is a miracle, a rite of passage, a natural part of life. But birth is also big business. Compelled to explore the subject after the delivery of her first child, actress Ricki Lake recruits filmmaker Abby Epstein to question the way American women have babies.

The film interlaces intimate birth stories with surprising historical, political and scientific insights and shocking statistics about the current maternity care system. When director Epstein discovers she is pregnant during the making of the film, the journey becomes even more personal.

[The film asks]: Should most births be viewed as a natural life process, or should every delivery be treated as a potentially catastrophic medical emergency?"

Our Blooma bias? Well, of course we love love love the movie ... but we do wish there were a few more positive examples of hospital-based midwifery programs, such as those found through Park Nicollet Methodist Hospital, Hennepin County Medical Center, and St. Joseph's Hospital.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Blooma Blossoms: Our Babies-2009

Ah, babies. Do we even need to say how much we love meeting these new little Blooma Blossoms?! They're the highlight of the studio!

March 2009
25th-Jolie Renee; 12th-Max; 11th-Finola

February 2009
20th-Milla; 19th-Leo; 17th-Nora and Stella; 7th-Isaac; 5th-Alex, Viola; 1st-Gage

January 2009
30th-Carter; 24th-Claire; 20th-Lilly; 15th-Laila; 13th-Alexandra Rae; 12th-Zoe;
10th-Elias; 8th-Evelyn; 3rd-Annika; 2nd-Brady; 1st-Elise Marie

(Reminisce:2008 Blossoms!)

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Blooma Blossom: Baby Sullivan

May 15, 2008
9 pounds, 6 ounces
more blossoms

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Blooma Blossom: Baby Malin

Baby Malin
May 13, 2008
6 pounds, 4 ounces
18.5 inches

Monday, May 12, 2008

Blooma Blossom: Baby Isla

May 12
6 pounds, 8 ounces
20 inches long

Mom says, "After a wonderful yoga class with Sarah on Mother's Day, we went home and enjoyed a family day with our son and worked in the garden. After another 4 hours of gardening on Monday, and an acknowledgement that yes, I was indeed in labor, I took a bath, had a little wine and rolled around on my birthing ball. When we reached St. Joe's I was 6 cm, and within 2 hours I was complete. I was able to labor in the birthing tub, but as I had a small amount of meconium when my water I broke, I ended up birthing Isla on my hands and knees on the birthing bed (very loudly, I might add). Simply, it was wonderful. She was welcomed into the world by my husband and me, and our amazing midwife, Jen Eissfeldt.

Sarah, thank you for your kindness, reassurance, empowerment and wisdom. I have loved taking prenatal yoga classes with you (I miss them already)."

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Blooma Blossom: Baby Graham

May 8, 2008
7 pounds, 13 ounces

21.5 inches long

Blooma Blossoms: Baby Owen

May 8, 2008
9 pounds, 22 ounces
more blossoms

Blooma Blossom: Baby Charlie

Baby Charlie
May 8, 2008
10:20 am
8 pounds, 14 ounces
21.5 inches

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Spring Wellness Workshop: May 31

When we roll out our mats for practice at Blooma, we often assume that the yogini in the front of the room is a mom. But don't be surprised to discover that she fills many other roles, too! The women of Blooma are doulas, wellness coaches, childbirth educators, writers, bodyworkers, and more.

For instance, yogini Jaime Pellegrene is also a jewelry designer, pilates instructor, and personal trainer. And in her work as a holistic nutrition and lifestyle coach, she invites you to attend a Spring Wellness Workshop:

Date: Saturday, May 31, 2008
Time: 9am-3pm

Place: Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, Chanhassen, Azalea Classroom
Cost: $130.00
What the day holds: You'll learn six fundamentals of wellness: thoughts, breathing, hydration, nutrition, exercise, and sleep. We'll focus on stress management, learn more about eating with the seasons, and talk about certified organic and local foods. The joyful day also includes yoga, pilates, and a seasonal lunch. (Do bring a yoga mat!)

The workshop is presented by:
Jaime Pellegrene: Certified Holistic Nutrition and Lifestyle Coaching, Personal Trainer, Yoga and Pilates Instructor.

Reagan Kramer: Exercise Physiologist M.S., Certified Personal Trainer and Pilates Instructor.

Please call or email to register by Tuesday, May 20!
612-240-3237 jmpellegrene [AT]
612-423-1357 rrekramer [AT]

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Blooma Blossom: Baby Nolan

May 6th, 2008
8 pounds, 9.4 ounces
21 inches long

Mom says: "Everything went great and I believe the prenatal yoga and your kind words totally helped! Thank you! We will be in for BYOB yoga when Nolan reaches about 6 weeks old. See you then!"

Monday, May 5, 2008

Yogi Babies are the Sweetest

When Blooma got its start last October (can you believe we're 7 months old?!), a handful of expectant mothers shared their beauty and their bellies for us on film. Recently, they gathered again--this time with their babes--to allow Blooma's fave photog Tanya Villano to peek in on their lives again.