Sunday, August 31, 2008

Blooma Blossom: Baby Henry

Baby Henry Robert

August 31, 2008
8 pounds, 13 ounces
22 inches

Mama says: "Chad and I are thrilled to announce that our son, Henry Robert, was born at 7:39 am on Sunday, August 31st. He came in at 8 pounds 13 ounces, and is long and lanky like his dad -- 22 inches! He was about 3 inches too long for his "going home" outfit, but we squished him in anyway :). He is healthy and we are all doing well. We got home a few hours ago and are trying to convince Toby (our cat) that Henry will be a great addition to the family."

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Blooma Blossom: Baby Jackson

Baby Jackson Tyler
August 28th, 2008
6 pounds 14 oz
20.5 inches

Papa says: Jackson came in quite a bit of a hurry -- giving our midwife only 2 minutes to spare between her arrival and Jackson's entrance into the world. It was crazy! No time for an epidural for Meg -- but she did great, thanks in part to all those yoga classes she took during her pregnancy! Big Sister Emmie is doing great too. She is going to be a wonderful sister and already shows she adores her baby brother. (Well, except for yesterday when she threw a book at his head and demanded he "READ IT!" Yikes!)

Monday, August 25, 2008

Blooma Blossom: Baby Leni

Baby Leni Jane
August 25, 2008

Blooma Blossom: Baby Reese

Baby Reese Marie
August 25, 2008
7 pounds 6 ounces
21 inches long

Mama says: "Just wanted you to know that I had my baby girl last week on Monday the 25th. She's sooooo beautiful. We did end up having the c-section cause she never did flip! It was a different experience, but still wonderful once I got to meet her! Can't wait to come back to Blooma!"

Blooma Recommends: The Free Spirit Early Childhood Library

0809_FreeSpiritBookThe Free Spirit Early Childhood Library includes parent-and-tot titles like Hands are not for Hitting and Diapers are not Forever. Each book offers an engaging lesson for kiddos and guidance for moms & dads. Purchase the 19-book library, published by Minneapolis-based Free Spirit Publishing, for about $175, or buy the books individually.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Blooma Blossom: Baby Tim

Baby Tim
August 24, 2008

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Blooma Blossom: Baby Finn

Baby Finn Oskar
August 21, 2008
3:20 am
9 pounds 15 ounces
22 inches

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Blooma Blossom: Baby Lorcan

Baby Lorcan Jake
August 19, 2008
7 lbs 0.5 oz.

Mama says: Thanks to doula Emily MacLaury! Looking forward to BYOB Yoga!

Blooma Blossom: Baby Helen

Baby Helen Liv
Tuesday, August 19
8:45 a.m.

9 pounds 4 ounces

21 inches long

Mama says: "We birthed our baby girl at North Memorial last Tuesday. Thank you for everything I gained from coming to PreNatal Yoga classes. I could almost hear [Sarah's] voice at times when I needed to "find the breath" and really remembered to keep my jaw relaxed. This big girl came out after only four contractions of pushing and I was amazed at how well it went-- no tearing, etc. I suppose it helps she was the third, too! :) The recovery, too, has been good so far and I look forward to starting the post-natal classes and BYOB. Thanks again!"

Choices in Childbirth: Cesarean & Beyond

Support & Options for Birthing Beyond Cesarean Section

When it comes to birthing, you have a choice about how, where, and with whom you bring your little one into the0809_Bookshelf_ToughQuestions world. But it's not always easy to know how to go about making those choices. Join us at Blooma for a candid conversation about your options for birth: From changing care providers late in pregnancy to researching your options for birth after Cesarean section, we can help.

Blooma founder Sarah Longacre, life & wellness coach Sarina LaMarche, and C-section mama Anne Gustin invite moms-to-be, Cesarean mamas who are wondering about their options for future births, and moms-to-be planning for a vaginal or home birth after Cesearan (VBAC/HBAC).

What: An afternoon of shared stories, candid conversation, and lots of information to help you find the right birthing path for you and your family.

When: Sunday, September 14, from 2:30pm-4:30pm.

Where: Blooma, of course!

Why: To help mamas understand the full range of choices available in childbirth. We'll cover Cesarean support, VBAC, and HBAC options. We'll share stories, spend time journaling about birth experiences and expectations, review the birthing options in the Twin Cities, and take time for a Q&A session.

Fee: Free! But please do sign up at Blooma (click "schedule" then "workshops" to register).

This afternoon session is geared toward women who have had a Cesarean birth or would like to know more about Cesarean birth. It is intended to help women process a prior Cesarean experience, inform women who are planning a Vaginal Birth after Cesarean (VBAC), and raise awareness in women who are expecting their first child. Spouses, partners, and labor companions are welcome & encouraged to attend.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Save the Date: Blooma Birthday Party is October 18

Save the date to celebrate Blooma's first birthday!! Saturday, October 18, from 2pm til 8pm, join us at Blooma for the festivities: music, food & spirits, games, fun for the kiddos (yes, that means you!), and limited edition anniversary t-shirts! See you then!!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

TM@B: This Month at Blooma, September 2008

Workshops & events for September 2008

* September 4, 11, 18, 25
HypnoBirthing, Thursdays, 7-9p. $350

September 6 & 13
Enlightened Mama childbirth education, Saturdays, 12:30-6:30pm, $175

September 7
Prenatal Yoga Intensive, Sunday, 2pm-4:30pm, $75

September 7, 14 & 28
Belly to Belly prenatal yoga & discussion group Sundays, 12:30-2pm, $48

September 14
Choices in Childbirth: Post-Cesarean Birthing Options
Sunday, 2:30pm-4:30pm, free.

September 20 & 27
Birthing from Within, Saturdays, 12:30-6:30pm, $200

* S
unday, Sept. 21, 3-6pm
You Oughta Be in Pictures: 30- to 45-minute photo sessions for moms- to-be & tots under 1 year. $125 for the basic session, or $199 for the two-session Belly-to- Baby package.

September 28
Family Yoga, Sunday, 3-4pm, $30/family

Blooma Blossom: Baby Olivia

Baby Olivia Elizabeth
born August 16th at 5:35am
8 pounds 1.5 ounces, 20.5 inches long

Monday, August 11, 2008

Blooma Recommends: The Birth Partner

For a little prenatal reading, Blooma recommends: The Birth Partner.

For a book that gives birth partners a clear explanation of labor and insight into a birthing woman's needs and wants, check out The Birth
Partner: A Complete Guide to Childbirth for Dads, Doulas, and All Other Labor Companions (third edition) by Penny Simkin. After reading it, you'll have the confidence to make the labor experience the best that it can be for you and your partner. The Birth Partner is available for purchase at Blooma.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Blooma Blossom: Baby Wyatt

Baby Wyatt
August 9, 2008
7 lbs. 2 oz.
20 1/2 inches long

Friday, August 8, 2008

Blooma Blossom: Baby Owen

Baby Owen
Born August 8 at 2:28 pm
7 lbs. 10 oz., 21 inches
Mama says: "Everyone is doing great. We are home now and happily getting to know one another. What a wild ride! Thank you for your prayers and support and enthusiasm."

Blooma Blossom: Baby Hendrix

Baby Hendrix (Henry)

August 8, 2008
1:26 am
7lbs, 13 oz.
21 inches

Mama says: "Labor was fairly quick and I managed not to get an epidural. I had a doctor's appointment on Thursday afternoon where she told me I was in early labor and thought I should go to the hospital. Since I was feeling OK still, I convinced her to let me go home and take a nap first to prepare for the night ahead. We put Jayce to bed and took a walk before heading over to
Fairview at 9:30pm. Henry had some meconium issues, but his breathing is completely normal. He's a healthy baby boy and we're so happy to finally meet him."

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Blooma Blossom: Baby Alia

Baby Alia Claire
August 6, 2008
2:36 pm
9 pounds 15.8 ounces, 21 inches

Mama says: "One week after her due date, Alia Claire woke us at 2:30am with contractions every 5 minutes or so. We labored at home for a few hours, calling our doula to be with us and having a family friend come get our 22-month-old for the day. We went to the hospital around 7am to avoid rush hour, but we didn't check in; we had breakfast at the hospital cafe and walked around the gardens, fully expecting labor to progress like it had with our older daughter (rapidly & intensely). But we kind of relaxed our way right out of it, so we all went home for awhile. I napped for an hour or so, then awoke with incredibly strong contractions coming about every 20 minutes. After several rounds of that, we called our doula (again!). When she arrived at the house, I continued laboring, using the shower as a comfort measure for awhile, then walking the stairs to keep things moving. When it was time to get in the car to go to the hospital (again!) I was really wishing we'd opted to have a home birth -- the thought of leaving the house and riding in the car seemed absurd! We returned to the hospital at 1:30pm, where I made the long walk to the maternity ward. In the pre-admit exam, I was dilated 8-9cm with a bulging bag of waters at 1:45pm. We then walked to the delivery room, where I labored in the cool, dark bathroom until my water broke. Then I moved to the bed to birth Alia on my hands and knees. She arrived at 2:36pm and stunned us all with her size, weighing in at nearly 10 pounds! We came home the next day; we're all doing great, and big sis Anabel is especially loving toward her little sister.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Looking for a creative alternative to group childchare?

Blooma mama Theresa Otte is excited to share with you her new business venture, Baby & Beyond!

Theresa says, "I understand how precious your baby is and realize the apprehension new mothers feel when searching for the best possible environment for their child while at work. Knowing exactly how one feels as a first time parent, I went about creating Baby and Beyond to be the kind of licensed daycare I would want for my own child: the individual attention and home
environment a nanny provides blended with the structure and social benefits of group based childcare."

Theresa will be caring for only two other infants in addition to her own wee William. There is one remaining infant opening. Learn more about this home-based alternative at Baby & Beyond childcare.

Monday, August 4, 2008

World Breastfeeding Week: Aug. 1-7

This is World Breastfeeding Week!

Locally, Minnesota's World Breastfeeding Day event is Sunday August 10th at 4pm at
Lone Lake Park in Minnetonka. The La Leche League of Eden Pairie and Richfield/Bloomington are hosting a family potluck in honor of World Breastfeeding Week. For details, contact Jennifer LLLJenMN@gmail. com. From the international stage, check out these breastfeeding videos and pictures.

Have your own beautiful breastfeeding photo to share? Send it to
Blooma & we'll put together a slideshow here on the blog!

Get Fit! Blooma-Balance Camp Starts Next Week!

Blooma and Balance Fitness have teamed up to bring you a week-long mini-exercise-camp that will add creativity and intensity to your fitness routine.

Join Balance co-founder Morgan Luzier for a 30- to 40-minute0808_BalanceFitnessFacade fitness session three times a week. You'll get an outdoor routine that combines strength and endurance training, speed and power exercises, and agility and plyometric work.

As part of the bootcamp, you'll also get a class at Blooma and a class at Balance Fitness for no additional charge!

The camp is open to all fitness levels. We're offering two one-week sessions, with the group meeting on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 8am til no later than 9am.

Session I: begins August 11
Session II: begins August 18

Days & Times: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays. Meet at Bloom at 8am, drop off your tot in child care if needed, then we'll head out for our work out. Back at Blooma by 9am!

$60 for a week-long camp, or sign up for both Session I and Session II for $105. Childcare is $10 per week.

Call the studio for more info or to sign up (952.848.1111) or visit (click 'schedule', then select the 'workshops' tab).

Friday, August 1, 2008

Blooma Blossom: Baby Beckett

Baby Beckett
August 1st (his due date!)
11:32 PM
8 pounds 5 ounces
19 inches

Mama says: "We are all doing very well and are so happy to be home together."

Blooma Blossom: Baby Nina

Baby Nina Angeline
August 1, 2008
3:43 am

Mama says: "Again, I fully thank my prenatal yoga practice for another amazing pregnancy, labor and delivery. I "heart" yoga! And Blooma!! Can't wait to come back!! I am already feeling great and ready ... totally not like I just birthed a baby!!"