Thursday, May 21, 2009

H&M Mama Maternity clothes!!

We got this great tip from Blooma mama Rebecca Blythe yesterday:

So. I went shopping the other day because I am trying to do SOMETHING about my postpartum wardrobe challenges. I went to H&M at the Mall of America figuring I could find a bunch of stuff that I could buy 2 sizes too big and not feel bad about spending a lot of money. As I was browsing I came upon the most exciting discovery. H&M Mama Maternity clothes! When I was pregnant 3 years ago and still living in NYC I got a lot of cute stuff there. Apparently, the MOA store just started carrying the line last Thursday, so it is brand new. It's enough to make me wish I was still pregnant. Anyway, pass it along with regards from me. I miss my prenatal yoga!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

FAQ: Blooma's Pricing

***The Questions***
  • 1. How much does it cost to drop in to a class at Blooma?
  • 2. How can I save money on my classes at Blooma?
  • 3. What if I want to save even MORE on my classes at Blooma? (Autopay)
  • 4. How does AUTOPAY work?
  • 5. How much does AUTOPAY cost?
  • 6. What if there’s some reason (like being put on bedrest, or giving birth!) that I can’t do yoga for awhile during my 6-month AUTOPAY deal?
  • 7. OK, I tried AUTOPAY, and it’s just not for me. How do I cancel my enrollment?
  • 8. How much does it cost for my child to attend childcare while I’m in class?
  • 9. Kids are smaller and don't take up as much space on their mats. Do they pay the same rate for classes as grown-ups?
  • 10. Can I use my class pass or unlimited plan for my kiddos?
  • 11. I’m new at Blooma. What pass should I purchase?
  • 12. I still have questions about the prices at Blooma; how do I get answers?
***The Answers***

1. How much does it cost to drop in to a class at Blooma?
Our regularly scheduled weekly classes are $18 to drop in. Kids and tots classes are $14 to drop in. Child care is $5 for the first kiddo, and $2 for each tot after that.

2. How can I save money on my classes at Blooma?
We offer lots of great class packages:
* 5-class pass … $85 ($17/class)
* 10- class pass … $160 ($16/class)
* 20- class pass … $300 ($15/class)
* 5-class earlybird pass … $60 ($12/class for classes that start at 8am or earlier; good for 8 weeks)
* 5-class Wise Woman pass … $60 ($12/class for wise women 50-and-older; good for 8 weeks.)

3. What if I want to save even MORE on my classes at Blooma?
We can help you do that, too!
* 6-month autopay … $99/month + 10% off all retail purchases
* 1-month unlimited yoga pass (adult classes) … $120
* 1-month unlimited childcare (up to 3 kiddos) … $22 (please note that this pass does not guarantee you a spot in childcare. We highly recommend that you reserve your child’s spot in advance online or by calling Blooma at 952.848.1111.)

4. How does AUTOPAY work?
Just sign up with your charge card or bank account info, and we'll automatically charge/debit your account $99/month for 6 months (you also save 10% on all retail purchases).You can attend all the regularly scheduled weekly yoga classes you’d like. That’s right: unlimited weekly classes! (Children’s yoga classes have their own sweet pass and drop-in rates; workshops are priced separately). Autopay is now open for enrollment.

5. How much does AUTOPAY cost?
Autopay is $99 a month for 6 months. You can enroll at any time.

6. What if there’s some reason (like being put on bedrest, or giving birth!) that I can’t do yoga for awhile during my 6-month AUTOPAY deal?
Should you need to temporarily suspend your autopay, just ask us. We can work with you to take a short hiatus. With 5 days’ notice, we can suspend your enrollment for up to 3 months, in one-month increments. Call or email us with the details.

7. OK, I tried AUTOPAY, and it’s just not for me. How do I cancel my enrollment?
You can early-cancel your autopay agreement with 30 days’ notice. There is a $40 early cancellation charge. Also, we’d appreciate knowing why autopay didn’t work for you.

8. How much does it cost for my child to attend childcare while I’m in class?
We offer drop-in rates as well as a monthly plan.
* First child … $5/class
* Additional kiddos … $2 each/class
* 1-month unlimited childcare (up to 3 kiddos) … $22

9. Kids are smaller and don't take up as much space on their mats. Do they pay the same rate for classes as grown-ups?
Nope, children get their very own—smaller!—prices for Tot Yoga and Yoga for Kids.
* Kids/tots drop-in rate … $14/class
* Kids/tots 5-class pass … $60 (good for 8 weeks, because we know that sometimes other stuff comes up or illness gets them down.)

10. Can I use my class pass or unlimited plan for my kiddos?
Our kids pricing gives you a better per-class price than any of our regular class passes do, so we limit regular class passes to our adult classes. (BYOB, BYOB*Crawlers, and Rub-A-Dub Infant Massage are considered adult classes.)

11. I’m new at Blooma. What pass should I purchase?
Welcome! We’re so glad you’re here! There are a lot of classes and teachers to choose from, and honestly, we want you to try as many of them as possible! We suggest you try the New Student $99 1-month unlimited yoga pass. This lets you attend any and all of the regularly scheduled weekly classes you like for one month. Please be sure to purchase this New Student pass before any other class pass or unlimited program. This is a one-time offer for students who are brand new to Blooma.

12. I still have questions about the prices at Blooma; how do I get answers?
No problem, we can help! Give us a call at 952.848.1111, or email Julie at blooma.julie [AT]

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Blooma's Summer Bootcamp Instructor

Personal trainer and yoga instructor Anthony Arnold will be leading our outdoor bootcamp in June. He's incredibly accomplished and a fantastic fitness inspiration! Here's a bit about him:

Anthony Arnold (Exercise Specialist/Yoga Instructor) has been active in the fitness industry since 1997. His focus has been teaching lifestyle management, mentoring new trainers and staying active within the health and wellness community. Anthony has owned and operated his own personal training and yoga studios in Denver, as well as consulted and trained in several cities throughout the country.

Anthony is certified through the International Sports and Science Association (ISSA) as a personal trainer. In 2007, Anthony became certified as a yoga instructor through Core Power Yoga in Denver and the Yoga Alliance. “I believe in making each program for my clients challenging, educational, and above all else, fun.”

Anthony grew up playing basketball, running, and lifting weights, but fell in love with yoga after his first class in 2006.

Immediately, he saw a connection and need for yoga not only in his life, but in the clients and athletes that he worked with in his studio. The same applied when it came to introducing his personal training style to yogis in the community that were looking to strengthen their practices through functional training without gaining size or weight.

Before long, Anthony was training yoga instructors and avid yogis the benefits of resistance training, and incorporating yoga into traditional athletes routines as a form of strength training and flexibility. In 2007, Anthony began teaching NBA athletes the benefits of yoga, and in 2008 traveled to New Zealand to incorporate his training programs with professional athletes overseas.

In any given session or class with Anthony, you might find yourself practicing yoga for strength and flexibility, or Plyometrics and Mesh Training for a new approach to fitness. Anthony has worked with a wide variety of clients ranging from professional athletes and senior yoga instructors, to active parents, teenagers, and busy executives looking to improve their physical and mental health.

Anthony has developed specific training techniques designed for women ranging from active yogis to marathon runners.

In his spare time, you will find Anthony practicing yoga; coaching and teaching youth sports,

attending live music venues

or running.

“Everything in life is about balance, and I try to teach this to my clients, as well as apply it to my own life on a daily basis.”

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Moms, feel renewed for free!

Sunday, May 17
FREE Self-Renewal Party for Mothers, 6-8pm
with Sarina LaMarche

sarina headshotReconnect with who you are and learn about creating balance from the inside out. Enjoy time just for you, connect with other women and support each other in creating the life you desire -- and deserve! This fun, free girls-night-out is based on the highly-acclaimed book from Renee Trudeau, "The Mother's Guide to Self-Renewal: How to Reclaim, Rejuvenate and Re-Balance Your Life."

Bring a pen, a journal and a "pre-pregnancy" photo of yourself that represents a time in your life when you felt really alive (but don't stress if you can't find one)!

Pre-register on the Class Schedule.

Yoga for You is free at 6am on May 13!

Wednesday, May 13
FREE Yoga for You, 6-7am
with new teacher Stacy Seebart

Pranassage Practitioner and Interdisciplinary Yoga Teacher Stacy Seebart is new to Blooma. As part of our week honoring women, Stacy is offering her first class FREE.

Prenatal Indulgence includes yoga + massage

Monday, May 11
Special 2-hour Prenatal Indulgence, 7-9pm
with Sarah Longacre and Stacy Seebart
You've told us how you love Blooma Belly Prenatal Yoga (we're so delighted!) ... but you've also said "we want more savasana!" and "rub my shoulders just a little longer" plus "more meditation, please" and even "a few more squats would do me good."

Massage therapist Stacy Seebart and Blooma founder Sarah Longacre team up to bring you an amazing evening of prenatal bliss. Enjoy the love, mamas!

Please pre-register ~ Just a few spots left! ~ Fee: $18 or Class Pass

Mother's Day yoga class + mimosas

Sunday, May 10
Mother's Day yoga event honoring all women, 2:30-4pm

with Bridgett Erickson

staff_BridgettEricksonCelebrate women -- mothers, mothers-to-be, grandmothers, sisters, nieces, girlfriends -- with a peaceful, relaxing, and heartfelt practice that is open to everyone (guys, too!)!

Tea, treats, and mimosas make for a festive after-class party.

Please pre-register ~ Only 24 spots available! ~ Fee: $25

(psst, this makes a great gift for the women in your life!)

Moms, renew, for free!

Blooma's Personal Renewal Group leader Sarina LaMarche passed along this invitation:

F0r 48 hours, you can download a free copy of Renee Trudeau’s award winning The Mother’s Guide to Self-Renewal: How to Reclaim, Rejuvenate and Re-Balance Your Life.

The book is available May 8-10 at Sign up today!

Featured extensively in national media, Trudeau is a national life balance expert, and her book is described as “The best book on balance,” by women’s health guru Dr. Joan Borysenko, author of Inner Peace for Busy Women. Trudeau's book has helped thousands of women and can help you:

• reconnect with who you are and nurture yourself
• manage your energy and practice saying “no”
• tap into the Transformative Power of Self-Care

Wondering, why free?! This uplifting, beautifully illustrated/photographed book was born from Renee’s personal experience of creating/leading women’s self-renewal circles—called Personal Renewal Groups. She is passionate about how transformative self-care can be for women and was moved to share this message with women around the world.