Monday, February 8, 2010

Welcome, Oz!

Congratulations to Blooma yoga teacher Bridgett Erickson! She birthed a beautiful baby boy named Oz on Saturday, Feb. 6. He weighed in at 8 lbs, 2 oz. Welcome to the world, sweet boy! We'll post a picture when we get one. 

In the meantime, enjoy these lovely belly shots recently taken of Bridgett. These gorgeous images were captured by Leann Manning of honeybee & peony

Big love to you, Bridgett!

Alisa, Sarah & the women of Blooma 

Friday, February 5, 2010

Blooma Birth Story: Sue + Alexander

I just wanted to pass along the great news that Alexander Stephen joined our family on January 12, 2010 at 3:25a.m.!!  He weighed in at 8 lbs. 3 oz. and was 21.75 inches long.  He is an absolute perfect sweet angel and we couldn't be more in love with him! 

I am so grateful to you and Blooma for all you had done for me throughout my pregnancy. I feel as though my body was so well-prepared for labor and I was able to breathe through a lot of my contractions without losing focus. Thank you for all you do and I cannot wait to come back with my new little man to the baby yoga classes and to join the new moms group!


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Birth Birth Story: Sharra + Mylo

Dear Sarah and Blooma staff,

I've been meaning to update you and time has been going by so fast.  I delivered my baby boy, Milo Christopher, on December 20th at 4:34 am at St. Joe's.  He was 9 lbs 7 oz and 21 inches long. Labor and delivery went great and he arrived 45 minutes after we got to the hospital!  So, the waterbirth we were planning for didn't happen but it was beautiful and everything that my husband and I hoped for.

I sincerely thank you for your guidance, support and inspiration through my pregnancy.  I loved the prenatal classes and I always left feeling fulfilled and positive in the anticipation of giving birth.  Milo and I will definitely be at the BYOB classes and probably the new mothers group that's starting up too.


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Blooma Birth Story: Kristina + Brinegar

Hello Blooma!

My baby daughter is here! The after-Christmas prenatal class I attended on Dec. 26 must have worked some magic, because I went into labor the next day. Brinegar Rose (rhymes with 'vinegar' - my grandma's maiden name) was born by water birth with the midwives at Woodwinds on Dec. 28 at 1:37 am. She was 7 lbs 2 oz.

Thanks to Blooma for all the advice and breathing/yoga techniques I used during labor, and thanks to Amber Kay for being an awesome doula! Can't wait to join you again for the BYOB classes when Brin is a few weeks older.


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Blooma Birth Story: Katrina + Noah

Hi Sarah,

I wanted to share with you the exciting news of the arrival of our new little one Noah Benjamin! He was born on Friday morning at 3:52 am at 7 pounds 13 ounces. He's a very healthy little boy who looks just like his dad!

I wanted to write to you and let you know how much you influenced my labour and how much I appreciated that! Going to Blooma opened up my mind to a world of support and knowledge that I just didn't think I would have had, had I just gone to the traditional baby classes and the local gym! I entered a world of support and your guidance was wonderful.

Even though you may not have been my doula, it was you and your classroom I pictured the most during the labour and your voice that kept me on track when things just seemed impossible. You gave me inner strength in a time when I truly didn't think I could take it anymore! I have to say I am feeling a bit proud of making it through naturally!

I started my labour at about 3 pm, so taking your advice I went to go and get a pedicure-something to distract me! Afterwards Ben and I hung out at home, sat on the ball, had lots of showers and waited until the contractions were about 3-5 minutes apart and then headed to the hospital about 10:30 pm.

I started off slow taking a while to move along but then everything went super fast. I went from 2-3cm at midnight to 10 cm by 3 am and then he was born at 3:52 am. As you said, make noise! and noise I made! I breathed in and moaned out for the entire labour and even at one point had Ben and I talking to the contractions "Hello Contraction, Hello Pain-do your job!"

Ben was also such a great labour partner keeping me right on track when I did lose my way and start to talk about pain killers-he got me moving, on the ball, in the tub and he spent hours rubbing my lower back and just being a true support-we have your class to thank for that! Even Ben was saying after it all, "Thank God for Blooma!"

Monday, February 1, 2010

Blooma Birth Story: Jennifer + Claire

We have so many great birth announcements and birth stories that have poured in during the last several months that I've decided to make this week Blooma Birth Stories Week on the Blooma blog. Tune in all week to read along, gaze at super cute baby pictures, and send all these new mamas and babies some love. As always, feel free to share your birth stories for the blog by sending them to

Alisa, Sarah & the women of Blooma

Blooma Birth Story: Jennifer + Claire

Well, after thinking I was going to be pregnant forever our little pumpkin arrived on Halloween Night a week before she was due. Her name is Claire Marcella Jane and she weighed 7 lbs 2 oz and was 20.5 inches long. She was born at 9:37 pm after my water broke at 8:00 pm on the 30th of Oct.  

I was very lucky to be able to labor at home from Friday night until about 8:30 pm on Saturday night.  We arrived at the hospital at 8:55 and she was born in less then an hour.  I guess we were cutting it kind of close, according to most the hospital staff but that's exactly how I wanted it.  Plus I was able to do all of it without any pain meds or epidural (even though I was begging for one right before she was born).  
It was pretty intense but I had a fabulous team supporting me including my husband and rock star doula, Sarah. I couldn't have done it without either one of them. It was such a powerful experience being able to give birth and then walk to my hospital room after it was all over. 

I want to thank all of woman of Blooma for all the support they gave to me through out my pregnancy. All of you helped me accomplish my perfect birth.
Jennifer and Claire