Thursday, October 30, 2008

Movie Night at Blooma: Orgasmic Birth

Join us in viewing "Orgasmic Birth," the movie the whole town's been talking about! (Well, at the least the whole birthing community, anyway!) This is a great film for expectant couples and for everyone who wants to know more about the experience of childbirth. As Sarah J. Buckley, MD, GP/family physician, and author of Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering says, this is "a phenomenal film with a scientifically validated message that is the perfect antidote to 21st century birthfright. Astonishing, thrilling, transformative.” Wow!

Other important details about movie night: It's Wednesday, November, 12. We'll serve popcorn, pop, and wine. The movie starts at 7:15 and we'll have a short discussion afterward. A $5 donation is recommended, but you are welcome to give whatever you can.

See you at the movies!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Blooma Blossom: Evan Wellstone

Evan Wellstone (goes by Wellstone)
October 26 at 9:09 am
8 lbs, 10 oz
21 inches

Mama Emily says: Labor was long & hard, but totally worth it and I'm so psyched I was able to deliver vaginally despite all the interventions and exhaustion I endured. I have (obviously) been thinking a lot about how it all went down and I'm really ok with it. The pitocin and the epidural were both necessary considering my situation, and they both did exactly what they were intended to to (speed up dilation and allow me some rest after being awake for 24 hours). I'm also certain that prenatal yoga was a major factor in Wells' excellent fetal condition during my long labor, and ultimately his correct position in my pelvis.

He's a GREAT baby and we are so thrilled. He's really alert and has amazing head control for being just a week old! He's sleeping for 3-hour increments at night, and breastfeeding is going really well. We're looking forward to postnatal/BYOB yoga after a couple more weeks of adjustment.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Inspired by Gurmukh

Blooma teacher Bridgett Erickson completed the Khalsa Way Prenatal teacher training in New York City this month.

The training was led by Gurmukh, a Kundalini-based pregnancy yoga teacher who has taught mamas-to-be for nearly three decades!

The training reinforced that every woman’s pregnancy and birth journey is unique, inspired and deeply personal experience. Look for a prenatal class taught by Bridgett on the Blooma schedule in November. Bridgett will share with you all she learned--including the absolute bliss experienced during a one-week vacation just for
MOM! Her family was so happy to see her relaxed and refreshed after a week of yoga and meditation. It looks like a solo vacation may become a yearly occurrence!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Blooma Blossom: Baby Elijah John

Elijah John
October 23
7lbs 10 oz.
22 inches long

Mama says: "
Thank you for the motivation, the strength, and the positive influence you had on me to make this day possible. My husband is a chiropractor and through a patient/friend of ours we found out about Blooma. I started my 35th week of pregnancy, and wished I had known about you guys earlier. Our goal was to have a natural child birth so we were up to trying anything. The chiro adjustments and yoga were the two things that helped me avoid the aches and pains of pregancy. I found my weekly prenatal yoga classes as a retreat from the stresses of the day and gained a great deal of knowledge during each session.

Elijah John was brought into this world on his 41st week in utero. My doctor wanted to induce me on this day and I held strong knowing that the baby would come when it wanted to and that a natural birth could not occur with any interventions. So, to make the doc happy we went in that morning for a non-stress test which turned out fine, and then returned that mid-afternoon "in labor." Throughout labor I concentrated on my breathing and relaxation, which helped me get through each contraction. I was in labor for 6 hours and pushed for 20 minutes. By 9:33pm my little guy was here. No drugs, no interventions, and our goal was accomplished, we had a natural child birth.

The biggest thing I found is that too often we are told we can't do it. I had so many people tell me when i was pregnant that I should just get the epidural and save myself the pain. The thing is, giving birth is a good pain, it's not going to kill you ... it's going to bring you the most beautiful thing you'll ever know AND with the right tools you can mentally turn the pain into a beautiful process. I used the saying found in the studio, "She believed she could, so she did" as motivation to get through each difficult contraction.

My husband was awesome too! He reminded me to relax once I tensed up and would breathe with me to help me concentrate. I also used your advice on NOT knowing how far along I was dilated, which totally rocked. Not knowing how far along I was allowed me to concentrate on what I was doing that moment, not how long I had left. When the nurse told me we were ready to start pushing I was shocked. So, not only did you teach me how to breathe through and relax during contractions, you gave me hope!!

Every session you guys gave us positive influence, by telling us that we have the strength to do this, that we are great mothers, and made us feel powerful. The yoga also helped strengthen my core and floor, which also helped during delivery. So, thank you for helping this day be possible and giving me the strength, the tools, and the positive influence to make it through and accomplish my goal. Women need this influence and need to know that a natural child birth is NOT impossible!! It's natural, the way the body intended it to be!!

I wish you the best with what's to come with Blooma and will keep referring people your way. Keep helping beautiful babies come into this world and keep telling those mommas to breathe!! Eli and I will be in for some classes once he gets accustomed to everything!! Again, THANK YOU!! for being such a positive part of Eli's birth!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Love letter: Blessingway & Henna

Thank you so very much for the beautiful baby blessing ceremony! It was a treasured day that I will carry with me through my labor, delivery, and beyond. I love Blooma! You'll be seeing me there in the future...
Julie H.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Blooma Blossom: Baby Ada

Baby Ada
October 13, 2008

Mama says:

Ada Lynn was born 7 glorious days early! Her birth was wonderful and beautiful and everything I wanted it to be. Thank you all for providing such an amazing, positive place for mamas and babies. I can't find words to express how much your support meant to me during these 9 months.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Blooma Blossom: Baby Mayer

Mayer Lynne
October 8, 2008
8 lbs 4 oz
21 inches

Mama says: What a WONDERFUL experience labor and delivery was! Thank you to Blooma to contributing to wonderful results :-) I look forward to being back soon!

Blooma Blossom: Baby Lily

Baby Lily
October 8, 2008

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Blooma Blossom: Baby Leo

Baby Leo Marin
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
8lb. 15 oz.
21.25 inches long

Mama says: Leo was born one week before his due date. Here he is with his big sister, Eva, at their first meeting in the hospital. I want to say thank you to Sarah and to Blooma for the amazing prenatal yoga classes that helped me make it through this pregnancy with some peace
and perspective.