Monday, February 8, 2010

Welcome, Oz!

Congratulations to Blooma yoga teacher Bridgett Erickson! She birthed a beautiful baby boy named Oz on Saturday, Feb. 6. He weighed in at 8 lbs, 2 oz. Welcome to the world, sweet boy! We'll post a picture when we get one. 

In the meantime, enjoy these lovely belly shots recently taken of Bridgett. These gorgeous images were captured by Leann Manning of honeybee & peony

Big love to you, Bridgett!

Alisa, Sarah & the women of Blooma 

Friday, February 5, 2010

Blooma Birth Story: Sue + Alexander

I just wanted to pass along the great news that Alexander Stephen joined our family on January 12, 2010 at 3:25a.m.!!  He weighed in at 8 lbs. 3 oz. and was 21.75 inches long.  He is an absolute perfect sweet angel and we couldn't be more in love with him! 

I am so grateful to you and Blooma for all you had done for me throughout my pregnancy. I feel as though my body was so well-prepared for labor and I was able to breathe through a lot of my contractions without losing focus. Thank you for all you do and I cannot wait to come back with my new little man to the baby yoga classes and to join the new moms group!


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Birth Birth Story: Sharra + Mylo

Dear Sarah and Blooma staff,

I've been meaning to update you and time has been going by so fast.  I delivered my baby boy, Milo Christopher, on December 20th at 4:34 am at St. Joe's.  He was 9 lbs 7 oz and 21 inches long. Labor and delivery went great and he arrived 45 minutes after we got to the hospital!  So, the waterbirth we were planning for didn't happen but it was beautiful and everything that my husband and I hoped for.

I sincerely thank you for your guidance, support and inspiration through my pregnancy.  I loved the prenatal classes and I always left feeling fulfilled and positive in the anticipation of giving birth.  Milo and I will definitely be at the BYOB classes and probably the new mothers group that's starting up too.


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Blooma Birth Story: Kristina + Brinegar

Hello Blooma!

My baby daughter is here! The after-Christmas prenatal class I attended on Dec. 26 must have worked some magic, because I went into labor the next day. Brinegar Rose (rhymes with 'vinegar' - my grandma's maiden name) was born by water birth with the midwives at Woodwinds on Dec. 28 at 1:37 am. She was 7 lbs 2 oz.

Thanks to Blooma for all the advice and breathing/yoga techniques I used during labor, and thanks to Amber Kay for being an awesome doula! Can't wait to join you again for the BYOB classes when Brin is a few weeks older.


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Blooma Birth Story: Katrina + Noah

Hi Sarah,

I wanted to share with you the exciting news of the arrival of our new little one Noah Benjamin! He was born on Friday morning at 3:52 am at 7 pounds 13 ounces. He's a very healthy little boy who looks just like his dad!

I wanted to write to you and let you know how much you influenced my labour and how much I appreciated that! Going to Blooma opened up my mind to a world of support and knowledge that I just didn't think I would have had, had I just gone to the traditional baby classes and the local gym! I entered a world of support and your guidance was wonderful.

Even though you may not have been my doula, it was you and your classroom I pictured the most during the labour and your voice that kept me on track when things just seemed impossible. You gave me inner strength in a time when I truly didn't think I could take it anymore! I have to say I am feeling a bit proud of making it through naturally!

I started my labour at about 3 pm, so taking your advice I went to go and get a pedicure-something to distract me! Afterwards Ben and I hung out at home, sat on the ball, had lots of showers and waited until the contractions were about 3-5 minutes apart and then headed to the hospital about 10:30 pm.

I started off slow taking a while to move along but then everything went super fast. I went from 2-3cm at midnight to 10 cm by 3 am and then he was born at 3:52 am. As you said, make noise! and noise I made! I breathed in and moaned out for the entire labour and even at one point had Ben and I talking to the contractions "Hello Contraction, Hello Pain-do your job!"

Ben was also such a great labour partner keeping me right on track when I did lose my way and start to talk about pain killers-he got me moving, on the ball, in the tub and he spent hours rubbing my lower back and just being a true support-we have your class to thank for that! Even Ben was saying after it all, "Thank God for Blooma!"

Monday, February 1, 2010

Blooma Birth Story: Jennifer + Claire

We have so many great birth announcements and birth stories that have poured in during the last several months that I've decided to make this week Blooma Birth Stories Week on the Blooma blog. Tune in all week to read along, gaze at super cute baby pictures, and send all these new mamas and babies some love. As always, feel free to share your birth stories for the blog by sending them to

Alisa, Sarah & the women of Blooma

Blooma Birth Story: Jennifer + Claire

Well, after thinking I was going to be pregnant forever our little pumpkin arrived on Halloween Night a week before she was due. Her name is Claire Marcella Jane and she weighed 7 lbs 2 oz and was 20.5 inches long. She was born at 9:37 pm after my water broke at 8:00 pm on the 30th of Oct.  

I was very lucky to be able to labor at home from Friday night until about 8:30 pm on Saturday night.  We arrived at the hospital at 8:55 and she was born in less then an hour.  I guess we were cutting it kind of close, according to most the hospital staff but that's exactly how I wanted it.  Plus I was able to do all of it without any pain meds or epidural (even though I was begging for one right before she was born).  
It was pretty intense but I had a fabulous team supporting me including my husband and rock star doula, Sarah. I couldn't have done it without either one of them. It was such a powerful experience being able to give birth and then walk to my hospital room after it was all over. 

I want to thank all of woman of Blooma for all the support they gave to me through out my pregnancy. All of you helped me accomplish my perfect birth.
Jennifer and Claire

Friday, January 29, 2010

Who doesn't love a good sale?

We thought we'd pass along a whispered-to-us deal about an upcoming sale. Trot on over to Hot Mama Feb. 1-3 for 25% off all denim. That means all premium denim and maternity, too. Suddenly this mama is dreaming of a new pair of Citizens of Humanity jeans. Oh yes.

Alisa, Sarah & the women of Blooma

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Update: Countdown to St. Paul!

Our guess date for Blooma-St. Paul was this Monday, but it looks like we are a week overdue. (We all know how hiccups with construction projects can take longer than expected!) So, in the true spirit of birthing and patience, we are taking a deep breath—the studio will open at just the right time!

Please join us in our beautiful, new St. Paul studio starting Monday, Feb. 8. And pass the word along to all your St. Paul, Roseville, and Woodbury friends.

Mondays         Prenatal Yoga, 6-7:30 p.m. w/Cynthia Levine
Tuesdays         Prenatal Yoga, 9:30-10:45 a.m. w/Summer Michael
Wednesdays   Prenatal Yoga, 9:30-10:45 a.m. w/Cynthia Levine
                          BYOB (Bring Your Own Baby) Yoga, 11 a.m.-12 p.m.
                                w/Alisa Blackwood
                          Prenatal Yoga, 5:30-6:45 p.m. w/Emily Maclaury
Saturdays        Prenatal Yoga, 9:30-10:45 a.m. w/Cynthia Levine

Blooma St. Paul is located at 968 Grand Ave., inside Health Foundations Family Health & Birth Center (across from D'Amico). When you walk in, head upstairs to the lovely, light-filled studio, take a deep breath, and roll out a yoga mat. Prepare to be replenished.

You can sign up for any of our classes online at Click on Class Schedule, then choose "Blooma St. Paul" from the drop-down menu on the upper right side. Make sure you forward to the week and day you're looking for. We can't wait to see you soon!

Sarah, Alisa & the women of Blooma

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Milk needed for babies in Haiti & the U.S.

It feels like we're all looking for ways to help the victims of the devastating earthquake in Haiti. If you're a nursing mama with an abundant supply, now there's a tangible way for you to help: donate breastmilk.

The Human Milk Banking Association of North America (HMBANA) issued an urgent call earlier this week for human milk donations for premature infants in Haiti, as well as for sick and premature infants in the United States.

Following this news, an e-mail from Twin Cities' Dr. Amy Johnson-Grass landed in my inbox:

"Health Foundations Family Health & Birth Center has partnered with the Ohio Milk Bank (a HMBANA milk bank) and is a breast milk donor collection site. We are the only HMBANA, a non-profit, collection site in the State of Minnesota. If you or moms you know would like to donate breast milk they can call our office at 651.895.2520 or visit our website at (look for Donate Breast Milk button on the main page) to learn how to become a donor! After being approved, women can drop off their milk at the Center and it is flown by Angel Flight (a volunteer non-profit organization) to the Ohio Milk Bank monthly. As well as being a breast milk donation site, we have a small supply of donor milk available for moms in need and can order larger quantities directly from the milk bank if needed."

This week the first shipment of human milk from mothers in the U.S. will be shipped to the U.S. Navy ship Comfort stationed outside Haiti. Comfort is currently set up with a neonatal intensive care unit and medical personnel to provide urgent care to victims of the earthquake.

Thanks for all you do, mamas, whether it's donating milk, money, or sending healing energy out into the world!

Alisa, Sarah & the women of Blooma

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Curl up and snooze...

A friend sent us this link to sheets that share our namesake. They're called "Blooma Sateen Bedding." Ooh-la-la! They make me want to get all cozied up and relaxed just like I feel at the end of a really fabulous Blooma savasana!

Alisa, Sarah & the women of Blooma

Sunday, January 24, 2010

It could happen to any of us...

This is a bit off-topic from my usual parenting/pregnancy/yoga postings, but it's about women's health and that's important, too.
      It's with a heavy heart that I learned recently about a close friend's shocking diagnosis of breast cancer—at age 34. She has no family history of breast cancer. She's a runner and yoga practitioner. She eats well. In other words, she's healthy in every other way. Just days after her diagnoses she ran her first half-marathon. 
      After finishing the race strong and crying as she crossed the finish line, she announced her diagnosis on Facebook: "Last week I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Yesterday I ran my first half marathon. TAKE THAT, YOU FRIGGIN' CANCER CELLS, I DON'T GO DOWN EASY!"
      How I love this woman and her spunk!
      Unfortunately, her situation is not totally unique. Most of us know at least one person affected by some type of cancer. Sometimes those loved ones are old. Sometimes they are young.
      I felt it important to reach out to the amazing community of Blooma women and remind each of you to do monthly self breast exams. For reminders on how to do self exams, follow this link. 
      Meanwhile, I keep hearing advertisements about the Susan G. Komen 3-day For the Cure breast cancer walk. It's hard to fathom walking 20 miles a day, three days in a row, for a total of 60 MILES. Then again, it's hard to imagine the surgeries, radiation, chemotheraphy, hopes and prayers that go into battling breast cancer. 
      If my friend can hit her cancer battle with a running start, the least I can do is walk 60 miles and raise money for breast cancer research. If you've walked this journey before, tell me—how was it?
      As for the 2010 walk, it's scheduled in the Twin Cities for Aug. 21-23. Who wants to do it with me? Team Blooma perhaps? E-mail me:

Alisa & the women of Blooma

Friday, January 22, 2010

Uganda birth center - the foundation is built!

Sarah leaves in just a couple of weeks for Uganda! In the meantime, the Shanti Uganda blog keeps us up-to-date on how projects are going. Check out one of the most recent blog postings, which is specific to the birth center developments. It begins:

Last week we held a community meeting on our land to gather the thoughts, ideas and questions of the three villages that surround the birth house. As the meeting went on more and more people came flowing in – babies, mothers, men in their best dress pants. We sat on benches, on bricks and on the earth surrounding the tree on our land that has naturally become our meeting place and shared with them our ideas, asked them about theirs and invited the community to walk through the birth house for the first time.... The women clapped when we told them there would have an emergency transfer vehicle to take women with complications from our birth house to the hospital in town. They told us stories of walking long distances into town while in the birth process only to receive poor care at overcrowded hospitals in Kasana. (Read more...)

Natalie, executive director of Shanti Uganda, stands in the middle of the building foundation which will be the birth center. It includes 2 birth rooms, a bathroom and a sterilization room.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Eat, drink, and push out your baby!

Labor is hard work. That's why many women plan to have snacks readily available during their labors. A mama has to keep her energy up! 
     Still, some hospitals have long-held rules telling women they can only eat ice chips during labor. Why? The idea is that just in case a mom should need general anesthesia for a Cesarean-section, she should not have food in her belly that could possibly be regurgitated and inhaled into the lungs.
     On the flip side, many birth professionals have long believed that without proper nourishment for a body working as hard as a birthing mama's is, labor is more likely to stall. 
     So it's great news that a review by The Cochran Library showed that there is no benefit to restricting food or drink during labor. Also, "poor nutritional balance may be associated with longer and more painful labors, and fasting does not guarantee an empty stomach or less acidity," the review says. Therefore, Cochran recommends that women should be free to eat and drink during labor as they wish. Watch a CBS news segment about this announcement below.
     A few ideas: soup broth, toast, apple sauce, oatmeal, popsicles—things that can be digested easily and chewed easily between contractions. Mamas and birth professionals, please share—what were some of your favorite labor snacks? 
    Moms-to-be, take note and pack your bag with nibbles that will nourish your body and mind during the amazing work of birthing your baby!

Alisa, Sarah & the women of Blooma

Watch CBS News Videos Online

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Our very own "Sleevie Wonder"

Props to Yoga For You! teacher and designer Ann Fink! Her designs caught the eye of Pop Fizz Daily, a blog telling Twin Cities folks about all things cool.
      Ann's fun and functional sleeves keep you toasty warm, while upping your hip factor. We love them! Hmm... I'm going to go slip on my own velvety purple pair right now to add some sass to this chilly afternoon.
      Soak up some of Ann's infectious energy during one of her Yoga For You! Vinyasa Flow classes, Fridays at 11 a.m. Prepare to become addicted to Friday mornings...

Stay warm,
Alisa, Sarah & the women of Blooma

Monday, January 18, 2010

So happy together

Blooma re-opened Saturday with a burst of amazing energy! Our classes were full and it was wonderful to see all of you with your blooming bellies or with kiddos in tow. My Saturday 11 a.m. BYOB (Bring Your Own Baby) yoga class was a blast with 16 mom and baby pairs filling the room with breath, movement, and songs for baby.
      If you haven't tried BYOB yet, give it a go! It's so much fun to develop a yoga practice that rebuilds your strength, is fun for baby, and bonds the two of you even closer together. Plus, BYOB classes are a great place to reconnect with familiar faces from your prenatal yoga classes and to share what's happening in these first months with baby. 
      Whether your baby is 2 months old or crawling, there are a bunch of class times and days to choose from. (And  yes! BYOB is open to dads and other caregivers, too!)
Tuesdays 11am -12 pm - Allison Cunningham
Tuesdays 6-7 pm - Lisa Bergley (YogaBonding founder— she's back at Blooma! If you haven't had the pleasure of a class with Lisa yet, be sure to drop in.)
Thursdays 11 am-12 pm - Jennifer Colletti
Thursdays (Crawlers), 11 am-12 pm - Allison Cunningham
Saturdays 11 am-12 pm - Alisa Blackwood/Jamee Yung
Sunday (Crawlers) 11 am-12:30 pm - Allison Cunningham

St. Paul moms, please start spreading the word that I'll also be teaching BYOB at our new St. Paul location (968 Grand Ave.)—Wednesdays at 11 a.m., beginning February 3.

Alisa, Sarah the women of Blooma

Friday, January 15, 2010

Printable class schedule

Our new and improved class schedule is here! With a second studio and a few new, fabulous teachers, we've added new classes and changed the times of a few others. Download, print out, and stick it on your refrigerator! Log onto regularly for updates and to reserve your spot in class

See you soon in the studio!

Alisa, Sarah & the women of Blooma


Open for class tomorrow!

Great news! Blooma's construction is almost finished. Sarah tells me the guys have been working for 29 hours straight. You can see the second studio in-progress in a few pics below. 

We know you're craving some delicious yoga classes after our week of being closed, so please come tomorrow (Saturday) for any of the following:

8 a.m. Early Bird Yoga For You! - with Kim Bosanko

9:30 a.m. Prenatal Yoga - with Sarah Longacre

11 a.m. BYOB (bring your own baby) Yoga - with Alisa Blackwood
   *note the new Saturday BYOB class time

We can't wait to see you again tomorrow!

Alisa, Sarah & the women of Blooma

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

We'll trade you for discounted yoga...

Volunteer at Blooma at enjoy yoga at a FABULOUS price!

For every three shifts you volunteer, you may purchase a volunteer pass: 5 classes for $15. That's a savings of $75!

We immediately need volunteers (1 person each day) for the following, regular shifts:
• Tuesdays 9-11 a.m.
• Tuesdays 4:15-5:45 p.m.
• Thursdays 9-11 a.m.
• Fridays 10:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m.

Most shifts will be in our childcare room, helping to take care of all the sweet Blooma babies and children who visit us while their mamas are in yoga or the wellness room. (Experience is preferred.) Other duties may include some desk work or light cleaning. 

Can you commit to a regular, weekly shift for a minimum of three months? If so, please sign up! Please contact Lauren at for a volunteer application. Thanks so much!

Alisa, Sarah & the women of Blooma

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

You're never too young...

I love this story: a 7-year-old Eagan kid who loves yoga, and teaches meditation and kids yoga classes right here in the Twin Cities. Word of this amazing, young yogi spread and now he's going to lead a gigantic meditation on Peace Prayer Day in New Mexico.

In case you missed this story on the news the other day, check out the segment below.

Alisa, Sarah & the women of Blooma

Monday, January 11, 2010

MN Fatherhood Summit

(Quick reminder: Blooma is closed this week during construction.)

Some incredible presenters are going to speak later this week at the Strong Foundations Conference and the Minnesota Fathers & Families Network Minnesota Fatherhood Summit. Organizers say this year's conference theme, "Engaging Fathers, Strengthening Families," will focus on the integral role that fathers play in the healthy development of young children. Running from this Wednesday until Friday (Jan. 13-15), the conference brings in speakers like Dr. James McHale, author of the book Charting the Bumpy Road of Co-Parenthood, and Dr. Kyle Pruett, Clinical Professor of Child Psychiatry at Yale School of Medicine and author of Fatherneed. I'm sure it promises to be a fascinating few days.

Are you planning to go? If so, we would love to hear about it!

Alisa, Sarah & the women of Blooma

Friday, January 8, 2010

Blooma closed Jan. 11-15

Great news: Blooma is adding a second studio space! That means we'll have even more class options and love to share.

Construction starts soon— next week. Sadly, we will be closed during the renovation from Monday, Jan. 11 until Friday, Jan. 15. Our wellness room will be closed an additional three days, until Monday, Jan. 18.
But when we reopen, there will be even more of Blooma to love!

Depending on how construction goes, Sarah may add a few prenatal classes during next week— please check our schedule online that week for updates.

Please plan to come to Blooma for a class during our re-opening week of Jan. 18 so you can
experience all the new, yummy energy Blooma has to share!. We'll be so excited to show you our second studio and revamped wellness and childcare rooms. We're even adding new teachers and additional workshops. See you soon!

Alisa, Sarah & the women of Blooma

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Cupcake Lovers... hit Blooma tomorrow morning!

If you haven't yet heard of Sweets Bakeshop in St. Paul, head to Blooma first thing tomorrow morning (yes, Friday!) for a treat so delightful your taste buds will melt with happiness + joy. We'll be handing out free cupcakes to the first dozen yogis, courtesy of Sweets Bakeshop. Big thanks to Amber for scoring us these cupcakes to share!

Next time you're in St. Paul, check this place out — it's so beautiful you'll feel like you're in a jewelry store or a gallery, of course instead of diamonds and pretty paintings, you can sample homemade macaroons and dreamy little cupcakes in flavors like coconut ginger, peanut butter cup, and tiramisu. How many different ways can you say yum?

Alisa, Sarah & the women of Blooma

Blooma Birth Story: Theresa + Lola Marie

Blooma mama Theresa is one of the first moms to let us know about her 2010 arrival. Here's what Theresa wrote to us:

Lola Marie was born on January 3, 2010— 10 minutes shy of her due date. She weighed in at 6 lbs, 14 oz, and was 21 inches long.

We had a rockin' 33 hour labor.
It started Saturday afternoon, and we went to the hospital on Sunday morning. It was the most amazing thing I have ever experienced in my life. Our doula, Liz Abbene, was fantastic and talked me out of about every intervention possible. I was nearly paying the midwives to give me an epidural and a C-section when the head was nearly out (the midwives were laughing at me). Haha!! As soon as that baby was put on my chest, that all seemed like history.

Welcome to the world, sweet Lola. Thanks, Theresa, for sharing your story and congrats on a job well done!

Alisa, Sarah & the women of Blooma

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Show us some love - cast your vote!

Vote for your favorite Edina hotspots in Metro Magazine's "Best of Edina 2010." You'll need to fill in at least 10 entries (such as best coffee or best takeout), including your votes for Blooma, for your ballot to count. Maybe you love your massage therapist at Blooma and want to nominate her, or you want to vote for Blooma for Best Place to Workout. Thanks for all your continued support!

Alisa, Sarah & the women of Blooma

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Save 20% on Blooma packages!

Check out our new, paperless, mobile coupon by clicking here!

How slick is this? Simply open the coupon on your phone, bookmark the link and show us the deal in the studio. Or, print out a copy and bring it in if you don't have a web browser on your phone.

New students receive $5 off your first Blooma class, while returning students receive 20% off Blooma packages.
(Offer good until Feb. 1, 2010.)

Start your year off right by giving us a test run, or by ramping up your existing yoga practice. Whether you're taking a Yoga For You class, bringing your little one in for Tot Yoga or BYOB (bring your own baby), we look forward to seeing you in the studio soon. Feel free to pass the above link on to your friends, too. We love referrals!

Alisa, Sarah & the women of Blooma

Monday, January 4, 2010

Laboring + breathing on New Year's Eve

Props to Stephanie (in the blue pants), who chose to move her body and breathe right through contractions during Sarah's 2-hour prenatal class on New Year's Eve. Stephanie knew she was in early labor and powered right through a tough class with 31 other pregnant mamas.

Class ended at 11:45 a.m. and Stephanie gave birth just seven hours later at 7:14 p.m. WOW! Welcome to her yogi baby, June Lucille, who entered the world weighing 7 lbs., 2 oz. Congratulations, Stephanie! We hope to see you and your little one back for a BYOB yoga class when you're ready.

Were there any New Year's Day Blooma babies out there?

Alisa, Sarah & the women of Blooma

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Working mamas: How keep up breastfeeding?

A HealthDay article recently pointed out a study that proved what most of us already know: returning to work too soon after your baby is born makes successful breastfeeding more difficult. The study, published in the journal Pediatrics, showed that moms who returned to work after six weeks or less are three times as likely to quit breastfeeding.

Why bother keeping it up when formula is so readily available, some might ask? For one, exclusive breastfeeding
improves protection against many diseases, including bacterial meningitis, diarrhea, and ear infections. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that women breastfeed exclusively (meaning no water, other liquids or solid foods) for six months and continue breastfeeding for at least the infant's first year of life.

If you're a working mom who breastfeeds your baby, how have you made it work? We — and other moms — would love to hear your tips!

Alisa, Sarah & the women of Blooma