When it comes to birthing, you have a choice about how, where, and with whom you bring your little one into the

Who's Invited: Cesarean mamas who are wondering about their options for future births, and moms-to-be planning for a vaginal or home birth after Cesearan (VBAC/HBAC).
What: An afternoon of shared stories, candid conversation, and lots of information to help you find the right birthing path for you and your family.
When: Sunday, Feb. 1, 2009, 6-9pm.
Where: Blooma, of course!
Why: To help mamas understand the full range of choices available in childbirth. We'll cover Cesarean support, VBAC, and HBAC options. We'll share stories, spend time journaling about birth experiences and expectations, review the birthing options in the Twin Cities, and take time for a Q&A session.
Fee: Free! But please do sign up at Blooma (Register ... click, then scroll down).
This afternoon session is geared toward women who have had a Cesarean birth or would like to know more about Cesarean birth. It is intended to help women process a prior Cesarean experience, inform women who are planning a Vaginal Birth after Cesarean (VBAC), and raise awareness in women who are expecting their first child. Spouses, partners, and labor companions are welcome & encouraged to attend.
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