Friday, August 7, 2009

Birthing virtually

A Hawaii news station aired a story recently that's a great reminder to be thankful if your partner can be present for your labor live and in-person. I, for one, would have had an entirely different birth experience if my husband (and doulas) hadn't been present! But Shannon Wilterdink, whose husband is stationed in Iraq, gave birth without him there. So she did the next best thing... she invited her husband to watch the birth virtually.

"Alex Wilterdink is a marine, stationed in Iraq. When his wife, Shannon, went into labor, she logged onto Facebook and told his friends to wake him. Then as Shannon gave birth, Alex watched the entire experience via web-cam," reported KGMB. We're glad Alex got to be there, even if only through the Web!

If you're pregnant and have a partner in the military who will be stationed elsewhere when you're in labor, you don't have to birth alone. An organization called Operation Special Delivery provides doula services to women in this exact scenario. Go doulas!

Alisa, Sarah & the women of Blooma

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