Thursday, May 29, go to the movies ... at Blooma!
Last November, women and their families packed the Oak Street Theater in Dinkytown to watch Ricki Lake's documentary about birth. This month, we are thrilled to offer a special follow-up screening of "The Business of Being Born." Join us at 7pm, Thursday, May 29, to watch the flick among friends in Blooma's cozy studio. We'll provide light refreshments and some comfy pillows, yoga mats, birthing balls--and even some chairs! :-) Suggested donation: $5.
A word about the documentary, from the filmmakers:
"Birth is a miracle, a rite of passage, a natural part of life. But birth is also big business. Compelled to explore the subject after the delivery of her first child, actress Ricki Lake recruits filmmaker Abby Epstein to question the way American women have babies.
The film interlaces intimate birth stories with surprising historical, political and scientific insights and shocking statistics about the current maternity care system. When director Epstein discovers she is pregnant during the making of the film, the journey becomes even more personal.
[The film asks]: Should most births be viewed as a natural life process, or should every delivery be treated as a potentially catastrophic medical emergency?"
Our Blooma bias? Well, of course we love love love the movie ... but we do wish there were a few more positive examples of hospital-based midwifery programs, such as those found through Park Nicollet Methodist Hospital, Hennepin County Medical Center, and St. Joseph's Hospital.